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About Our Firm


A group of attorneys with over 25 years of experience came together and looked at how the industry handled personal injury protection cases.

We felt the entire process was inefficient. Thus began our journey to create a strong, streamlined system for providers to refer PIP cases with unpaid or underpaid claims. Our three main goals were to create:

  • A simple, digitally-driven process for providers to refer PIP claims and increase revenue.
  • A streamlined system for uploading and processing claims without creating more work for the medical practice.
  • A transparent experience allowing providers to continually view the progress of claims to payout.

We’re proud to state we’ve recovered tens of millions of dollars in money owed for PIP cases.

Our team of attorneys and legal professionals at GED Lawyers all have extensive experience in personal injury protection law, and we bring that expertise to you with every referral case we handle. 

Case Status Report

Meet Our PIP Experts

Why Partner with Ged Lawyers?


Experience You Can Trust

Results mean everything when partnering with a firm. Our PIP case experience goes back as far as 1995, earning millions of dollars in settlement decisions. Trust the team who produces results!

No Additional Work or Investments From You

We handle the entire process, from start to finish. You may need to provide the files, but that’s it! You and your staff can focus on current workloads while we grow your revenue! 

A 21st Century Approach

Our comprehensive, HIPAA compliant, digital platform allows for remote collection and processing of claims. We’ve designed our system from the ground up for speed and transparency.

Transparent Communication

Both our digital platform and client service team were assembled to put you first - as partners! You have 24/7 access to your Ged Lawyers account to keep track of case progress. Whenever you have a question or comment, just contact us. We’re here to help.

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Find educational resources that offer clarity and understanding about personal injury protection (PIP) referrals.

Work Smarter.
Not Harder.

Start getting paid for those unpaid claims.
Contact us today to begin the process.

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Call us: (561) 485-1803

Or fill out the form below and one of our team members will contact you to set up an appointment:

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