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If you're a medical billing professional looking to boost your income, then learning how to recover PIP payments is essential. By understanding the process and how to work with insurance companies, you can dramatically increase your revenue stream. Here's a guide to getting started.


Personal Injury Protection: An Overview


The first step is understanding Massachusetts's personal injury protection (PIP) system.

PIP, as it is commonly known, is a system that provides insurance coverage for medical expenses and lost wages for individuals who are injured in an automobile accident, regardless of who is at fault. PIP is a no-fault system, which means that the injured person can make a claim against their own policy, even if they were not driving the car at the time of the accident.

PIP is mandatory in Massachusetts, so all drivers must have PIP coverage.

Every MA vehicle owner must, at minimum, purchase coverage for property damage and for personal injury protection. Medical care for people suffering injuries in car accidents is covered by up to $8,000. 

Only the first $2,000 (of the $8,000) in benefits can be paid out if the injured operator has private health insurance. If the driver does not have private health insurance, the full $8,000 can be paid out.

How The System Hurts Medical Providers


One of the problems with PIP is that, as a no-fault system, it encourages people to seek medical treatment for their injuries, even if they don't require it. This results in increased insurance rates for consumers the cost isnt passed to the doctors or hospitals

Payment is required with in 30 days of receiving the bill. The problem is most payments are partially paid due to special down coding and other tactics utilized by the insurance company appearing to the provider as a proper reimbursement.

What's worse still is insurance companies are notorious for underpaying or simply not reimbursing claims. These missed revenue opportunities easily cost hospitals and health care professionals tens of thousands of dollars and in the case of large hospitals can reach millions in unreimbursed services each year. 

How To Recover PIP Payments


Despite the challenges of the PIP system, there are ways to recover PIP payments from insurance companies.

Your medical practice can file paperwork with insurance agencies to recover unpaid or underpaid claims. It takes significant time and resources to follow up with the carriers, and it isn’t always cost-effective.

No matter is the billing is internal or outsourced the billing company is not a lawyer and doesn't have the ability to file a lawsuit on your behalf.

Additionally, most recovery firms only conduct research into claims from the past 12-24 months. MA state law allows claim disputes to go back as far as six years. Finding a company that can conduct an in-depth, longer lookback is essential for recovering more funds.

Your Best Solution for Recovering More Money


The PIP system in Massachusetts is far from perfect, but with a little knowledge and effort, you can recover payments from insurance companies. By understanding the process and working with a professional billing company, you can dramatically increase your revenue stream.

To offer a solution, we formed our PIP Recoveries service. Our personal injury protection (PIP) attorneys are experts in PIP claims. Ged Lawyers' attorneys review the files, submit the claims, obtain settlements, and take the claims to court if necessary.

No financial investment is requested from health care providers for any of this to happen. The insurance carriers pay our attorney's fees. 

Why Partner With Ged Lawyers?

Our PIP claim processing experience dates from 1995 to the present. PIP Recoveries has fine-tuned an effective claims processing method with an excellent ratio of total payouts. How? We've put in many years of transparency, innovation, continual testing for superior results, and promptly attending to client feedback. 

Our proprietary software keeps medical professionals and administrators aware of the progress at all times. Our medical partners can:

  • Log in 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and view the status of claims from any location, at any time. 
  • See the timeline of the claim, identify the patient and the insurance carrier, and view the updated status of the claim. 
  • Pinpoint where the attorneys are in their workflow.
  • Check the funds collected from the insurance carriers. 

Our attorneys can handle processing your claims remotely via our secure digital access protocols. Our best-in-class technology includes secure VPN transmittals.  

We can deploy HIPAA-compliant mobile scanners to medical offices if files are primarily physical.

Best of all, PIP Recoveries is a fully HIPAA-compliant law firm. Some recovery services believe they are HIPAA-compliant, yet their security protocols might not be.

This is especially common with legal groups that are not focused completely on medical cases, use unlicensed subcontractors, or have data backups off-site. Some lack current Business Associate agreements or the most basic requirements for compliance:

PIP Recoveries is different. Our secure process includes:

  • Email encryption, two-factor authentication, and personal health information (PHI) access guards on all devices connected to the system.
  • Physical and electronic intrusion detection systems.
  • Recordkeeping practices focused on keeping track of the destruction of all sensitive electronic data and patient paperwork after use.

PIP Recoveries securely connects to your data systems, protecting sensitive health data while identifying and processing viable claims. We train our experts in data protection law, best practices, and effective claim submission and litigation.

PIP Recoveries is the best solution for recovering more money from PIP claims. Our years of experience and expertise will help you get the maximum payouts from insurance companies.

Our high success rate is thanks to our one-of-a-kind approach to PIP claim recoveries. Let's take a look at what makes our system so effective.

How Our Service Works

With Ged Lawyers, experienced professionals can process your PIP cases in a streamlined, transparent manner. Here’s what you can expect from start to finish:

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Step 1: Client Onboarding

The process begins with our office contacting you to sign the necessary paperwork.

Your practice will then meet with an assigned customer service representative to begin the planning process.

Our consultants take the time to understand your unique situation. Specifically, we analyze the percentage of physical vs. digital records to properly plan the best research approach.

If a medical records system is mostly comprised of physical documents, our state-of-the-art mobile scanning trucks are used to gather and process everything in a timely and secure manner.

Once a plan is determined, the PIP Recoveries team moves to the audit process.

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Step 2: The Audit Process

Our multi-level audit includes creating an electronic index, extensive data entry, and analysis. We start by scanning each patient's medical records into our advanced document management system.

Our team then indexes these documents with key search terms to create the most accurate database possible. The indexed information can be accessed from anywhere at any time via our secure client portal. Access this platform on any device - from a laptop to a mobile device!

Once all the pertinent information is compiled, our consultants carefully analyze each record. We look for missed claims and any other information that may be pertinent in recovering lost PIP revenue. Our lookback examines files from as far back as six years!

We also take time to assign user access to our claims portal. This unique platform allows designated individuals within the medical provider's organization and your attorney's office to keep track of each claim's progress.

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Step 3: We Update You on Our Progress

Our attorneys are NOT required to file demand letters with the insurance companies and can go immediately to litigation due to MA laws. This is not the case in other no-fault states such as Florida.

Our attorneys prepare and file demand letters and handle the entire litigation process to collect any denied or partially paid claims. We share this information with you via our client portal.

At any time, you can log in to see progression details for each case from your medical provider contacts, including:

  • When the claim was received
  • The patient's name
  • The carrier's name
  • Dates of Service
  • The case's current status (demand phase, in suit, closed, or exhausted)
  • Benefits recovered

Filter your results down to a specific office location with simplicity and speed. When it comes to tracking your referral's progress, PIP Recoveries ensures you have the information at your fingertips - whenever you need it.

Additional Benefits of Unique Process

Playing phone tag with insurance companies, litigating cases, conducting follow-up communications, and processing payouts take an office full of trained legal professionals.

Luckily for you, we provide all the staffing needed to recover unpaid or underpaid claims and build your revenue without hiring more staff.

In addition to saving you the paperwork and resource burden of recovering PIP claims, PIP Recoveries also offers the following unique benefits:

  • We offer a FREE double-check audit for clients - even if you've worked with previous PIP recovery services. Our attorneys always find more money - so it's worth the time for you to try us!
  • Every individual interacting with patient records is HIPAA-certified and receives training in government-mandated security protocols.
  • Once a litigated case is settled, we send you 100% of recovered PIP claims - plus interest! The legal fees PIP Recoveries collects are 100% the insurance company's responsibility.

What do you have to lose by trying out our process? We are the sole service offering these benefits, so you can be sure your practice is in good hands.

Our Success Stories


In a typical medical practice, administrative staffers might remit claims to the health insurance carriers, then to the vehicle insurers, and eventually into collections.

The collections agency takes a cut from any reimbursement achieved. This is so time-intensive and cost-inefficient that some practices understandably find themselves building backlogs of unpaid bills.

We are glad to say we’ve relieved this pain point for numerous health care experts. Overall, our medical partners have recouped millions of dollars in unpaid PIP claims, without risking their own funds. In fact, these practices were able to abandon inefficient payment-seeking methods, dramatically increase revenue flow, and ultimately expand their services.

Here are just a few of the health care specialists we have supported, and their outcomes (names are generic to protect client privacy):

A Florida hospital system

A hospital system has recovered more than $2.8 million in underpaid or unpaid PIP claims to date. Getting the revenue flow into the right channel began with a logistical challenge. PIP Recoveries specialists organized more than 10,000 boxes of billing and treatment records using mobile scanners. Our attorneys indexed the claims, began the demand letter process, and have filed cases in court when needed. We are pleased to report that the hospital incurred no additional expenses. Its administrators now enjoy a dependable income stream without assigning the hospital’s own essential workers to the task. PIP Recoveries is handling it all on the hospital’s behalf.

A doctor-owned imaging company in Florida

A doctor-owned imaging company enlisted the help of the PIP Recoveries team to resolve its unpaid PIP bills. PIP Recoveries’ software organized the claims processing work. The doctor received secure login keys for our HIPAA-compliant portal, and could follow the claims reimbursement progress as the business overcame its bottleneck. With our support, this small business has succeeded in recovering $3.7 million in medical imaging reimbursements — and counting.

A Florida chiropractor’s office

A chiropractor’s office experienced revenue flow challenges on account of underpaid and unpaid claims for medical services. The office needed a method to ensure faster, fuller payouts, so it sought out the PIP Recoveries legal team. PIP Recoveries was precisely the low-maintenance answer this medical provider had hoped to find. Without assigning the chiropractor’s staff to extra work, our attorneys obtained $870,000 in claims payments from the involved motor vehicle insurers.

In these situations and others, health care professionals have regained funds they would have otherwise lost by deploying our recovery system to address recalcitrant insurance carriers.

This is the way our lawyers see it: 

You’re always there when people need you, so the team at Ged Lawyers will do the same for your medical practice. We all do well by doing good and holding companies accountable under the law.

About Ged Lawyers


The legal team at Ged Lawyers brings 25 years of recovery experience to our clientele. Leading the team are attorneys C. Glen Ged and Marius J. (Marty) Ged. 

Our team works through our Boca Raton headquarters and branches throughout the state. We are proficient in Massachusetts PIP claims and have recovered tens of millions of dollars in revenue for our partners in the healthcare industry.

Need more information about our offerings and outcomes? Visit and explore the Ged Lawyers website

Ready to get started partnering with our firm? Contact Ged Lawyers for a free initial consultation. Our legal team will be pleased to get to know you and the needs of your practice. 

If you prefer getting in touch by phone, we welcome your call at (561) 867-4765 or toll-free at 844-4GEDLAW.

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