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Medical Care Center

Over $176,680 collected in underpaid or unpaid PIP claims to date. 

The Problem

A General Care Medical Center faced a growing mountain of unpaid or underpaid medical claims from insurance providers. They began searching for attorneys who specialized in personal injury protection claim recovery to improve their overall revenue stream.

After working with several law firms, they became frustrated with a general lack of transparency and communication. That's when they discovered PIP Recoveries.

The Solution

The team at PIP Recoveries started by listening to the Medical Center's previous experiences and immediately addressed their concerns. With a focus on transparency and communication, they were treated to a superior experience.

From the start, the Medical Center was impressed with the entire team's professionalism at PIP Recoveries. The organization's quick response times, thorough case dissection, and fast engagement with insurance companies were a breath of fresh air compared to previous services.

PIP Recoveries' easy-to-use client portal allowed the staff at the Medical Center complete, on-demand access to each case's progress. At any time, they could find all information related to money recovered and current case status, including when cases move to the "in demand" and "in suit" phases. Monthly progress reports also arrived on time to keep the ongoing process entirely transparent.

The Medical Center was also excited to learn about PIP Recoveries' 5-Year lookback process, allowing medical providers to maximize their recovery amounts from insurance companies.

The Result

In just seven months, PIP Recoveries closed over 25% of their outstanding medical claims and generated a monthly additional income stream of $22,900 - and growing! Their commitment to reliable communication and full project transparency ensured the entire staff at the Medical Center knew they were in good hands!
Total Cases
Total Cases Closed
Total Cases Still in Litigation
Total Revenue Collected (to date)